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    What is Ielts Test?

    What is IELTS? Importance of IELTS Modules & How to Improve It?

    IELTS is the international English language system that is a basic requirement to migrate to English speaking countries either for study or professional opportunity. This test is conducted by the global partnership of education and language experts that are IDP Australia, British Council and Cambridge English Language Assessment.

    To score bands in IELTS is the basic step to go abroad and get global exposure so for that our high quality IELTS training in Ludhiana is the first step of the ladder. IELTS is the mandatory condition for academic excellence, cultural understanding, student placement and success worldwide so it also becomes essential to get professional training for this professional testing system.


    Minimum age for appearing in IELTS test is 16 years so people with age 16 or more can have this training and even to appear in exam valid passport of the candidate is also required so it is second requirement for IELTS exam.

    Other than the above two mandatory conditions candidates also have basic knowledge about English language means it is good for the candidate if he /she has basic English skills before training for IELTS.

    WHY US?

    Candidates must be proficient in speaking, reading, listening and writing English to score good bands in Exam so professional training in IELTS Speaking, reading, listening and writing along with the skills of candidates also make a huge difference.

    Choosing the center for IELTS coaching is the crucial step for scoring good bands as only the best center can provide the best coaching. If you are also seeking for the best center then Mindway is the best solution for you for the following reasons

    1. We are team of professional trainers that are from the multiple backgrounds that are English, IELTS, Marketing and sale, information technology and even from medical sciences that are efficient in their respective fields and have high precision, coherence and fluency in business communications

    2. Trainers are highly trained , experienced and well acquainted with the formats and requirements of IDP and British Council so that candidates can be trained up to their best of skills

    3. We are pioneers in Ludhiana to introduce specialized professional training with the proper training format

    4. We offer training with high flexibility in the training pattern according to the level of the student and even flexibility for the timing. We have special arrangements of training for the working students and housewives

    5. We provide even the basic knowledge of English to the candidates to grind them from scratch.

    6. We provide effective training with assurance of good bands and even charge reasonable fees from the candidates with personalized packages of training and fee.


    IELTS is the global English test that includes four modules: Reading, writing, speaking and listening. Each candidate that wants to appear in this test has to pay the IELTS exam fee 11,100 INR which is fixed by IDP and British council for IELTS exam in India.

    So it is essential to have proper training for this exam so that your fee for exam become one time investment for you that is why we have introduced the effective training system for the students which contains

    • Coverage of 4 modules on daily basis
    • Discussions for each module on daily basis
    • Once in a week mock test to evaluate the students
    • Individual cabin speaking same as Exam pattern
    • Best quality material is provided on daily basis


    IELTS writing is the third module of the exam in which a candidate is evaluated for his/ her writing skills means ability to express his/ her ideas in the written form precisely and formally.

    The IELTS writing module is different for academic and general training students. This module comprises two tasks that are task 1 and task 2. Task 1 is supposed to be completed in 20 minutes by writing 150 words. Task 2 should be completed in 40 minutes by writing 250 words. It means both academic and general training students are supposed to write two tasks in 60 minutes and 400 words in total.


    The Writing module for Academic students is designed by keeping in mind students that are seeking to enter in undergraduate, postgraduate studies or professional registration and contains topics of general interest.

    TASK 1

    Task 1 includes the graphs tables, charts and diagrams that are needed to be summarized and explained in simple words. Students are asked to interpret the data, stages of process and to explain the working or description of an event or object.

    TASK 2

    This task has similarity with the essay writing as in this task one statement is presented to a candidate with a point or view or an argument. Candidate is asked to write an essay in response to that statement by justifying the opinion, comparing evidence and results in his own words.


    This module of IELTS general training contains the texts of general interest by keeping in mind the candidates that want to migrate to other English speaking countries for career or for global exposure.

    TASK 1

    This task is different for general training and academic candidates as for general candidates task 1 is letter writing IN 150 words. Candidates are presented with a situation and asked to write a letter explaining the situation in their own words.

    There can be three types of letters personal, formal or semi formal in style in which candidates are asked to elicit and provide general factual information, expressing opinions, needs, likes or dislikes in response to the given situation.

    TASK 2

    This is also essay writing like the academic version of the test but in this version essays can be more personal in style however candidates are asked to write in response to argument  or point of view by presenting general factual information, outlining the problem and presenting solutions with justified opinions.


    In writing modules for both academic and general candidates are assessed on the basis of their presented content, organization of ideas, synchronization and relevance of ideas with the topic.

    However task 2 of this module has a higher weight age of 60% and task 1 has 40% but overall bands are given on the average basis taken from bands in each module.


    We prepare the students for the following key points to enhance their writing skills and score in exams.

    • Identification of relevant information from facts and figures
    • Describing the trends in task 1 of academic exam
    • Summarizing the ideas
    • Vocabulary building
    • Art of writing in precise and relevant way


    Listening is the first part of the IELTS exam and this module is the same for both academic and general training candidates. For this module question booklets are provided to the candidates along with the answer sheets. Listening booklets contain the instructions and questions and candidates are allowed to write on booklets with pencils.

    Listening track is recorded in a CD and is played at the time of examination only one time. Duration of the listening track is 30 minutes and candidates are supposed to listen to the track with provided headphones and answer the questions mentioned in the question booklet.

    After the end of the listening test, 10 minutes are given to candidates to transfer the answers from question booklet to answer booklet neatly. One mark is generally provided for one correct answer but it should be written neatly and keeping in mind about the rules of grammar and in correct spelling.


    IELTS listening contains the 4 sections that have 40 questions in total for 40 marks. In different sections students can find different type of tracks as follows

    Listening section 1

    This section contains the conversation between two people about everyday social context

    Listening section 2

    This section contains monologue set in everyday context

    Listening section 3

    In this section candidates can find a conversation in which up to 4 persons can be included and are set in educational context like university tutor etc.

    Listening section 4

    In this section a monologue will be played on an academic subject like lector of university tutor


    Fill in the gaps with the missing word

    Short answers not more than three words

    Multi choice questions with options A,B and C

    Multiple matching with two or more answers from list related to single question

    Labeling of plans, diagrams, flowcharts or maps in one to three –four words


    Listening booklet contains 40 questions of one mark means this module is of 40 marks and following is the table that shows the transformation of marks in IELTS bands

    Listening scores 9 12 16 19 23 27 30 33 35 37 40

    Listening bands 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9

    Scores and bands given in the above table may vary in the actual exam with one or two marks like 4 bands can be given even with 8 marks.


    To prepare the students for listening module we focus on the following key points to develop listening skills

    • How to identify the central idea
    • How to develop orientation towards the text
    • Concentrating on particular information
    • Marking details
    • Listening practice skills with detailed feedback
    • Specific skills and strategy for answering specific question type
    • Recognition and marking rhythm, stress and intonation


    Reading is the second module of the IELTS exam that is different for the academic and general training students. Main purpose of this module is to test the ability of students to understand the written text and to find the specific information mentioned in the text.

    This module is of 60 minutes and no extra time is provided to transfer the answers from reading booklet to answer sheet like listening module. In 60 minutes, students need to answer 40 questions of one mark each.


    In the IELTS reading module, students need to answer 40 questions and the variety of questions are included in the reading passages to test the reading skills of the candidate. Candidate is supposed to read the text for reading the gist, reading the main ideas, skimming, reading for detail, logical arguments, reading to understand the writer’s opinion, attitude and purpose for writing.

    Following type of questions are included in the booklet

    • Multiple choice questions
    • Identifying information means true/ false/ not given
    • Identifying writer’s view by choosing option from yes/ no/not given
    • Matching information, headings, features, sentence endings
    • Sentence completion
    • Summary completion
    • Completion of flow chart, diagram labeling, table and note
    • Short answer questions


    Academic students are given the reading booklet containing three long passages ranging from the descriptive to factual, to discursive and analytical. These passages are generally taken from the magazines, books, journals and even from the newspapers. The topics of these passages are interesting and accessible to the students and are of general interest.

    In the three passages at least one text contains the logical argument and it may contain the non- verbal material like pictographs, diagrams and graphs. It also contains technical terms and glossary.


    Like the academic students, general training students are also provided the reading booklet of 40 questions. The passages included in the general training reading are taken from notice, books, magazines, advertisements, company handbooks and even manuals of the company.

    The section first of the general reading is called social survival and it contains texts related to the basic linguistic survival and contains the tasks about retrieving and providing the general factual information

    Section second is known as training survival that involves complex language with elaborated expressions for explaining the training context

    Third section is known as General training that involves extended prose with complex structure and focuses on descriptive and instructive rather than the involvement of argumentative text.


    For developing the reading skills in the students we focuses on the following key points

    • Techniques for time management in reading
    • Techniques for speed reading
    • Skimming and deep scanning for finding specific information
    • Understanding the text
    • Understanding the descriptive, instructive, argumentative texts and arguments of reading

    Get 8 Bands in IELTS SPEAKING In Ludhiana, Punjab

    Reading is the second module of the IELTS exam that is different for the academic and general training students. Main purpose of this module is to test the ability of students to understand the written text and to find the specific information mentioned in the text.

    This module is of 60 minutes and no extra time is provided to transfer the answers from reading booklet to answer sheet like listening module. In 60 minutes, students need to answer 40 questions of one mark each.


    IELTS speaking is the oral face to face interview of the candidate taken by the examiner. All the speaking tests are recorded. This interview is generally taken for 11-14 minutes in which the examiner evaluates the speaking proficiency of the candidate to give bands out of 9.

    This interview is conducted in the 3 parts as explained below

    Part 1

    This session lasts for 4-5 minutes and is also known as an introduction and interview session. In this part, the examiner asks the candidate to introduce himself and also confirm the identity of the candidate by checking the valid original passport. In this session candidates are asked general questions based on the topics like work, study, interest, family and home.

    PART 2

    Thi session is also known as cue card session in which the candidate is provided a card to talk about a particular topic for 1 to 2 minutes. For talking about the specific topic , candidates need to cover the points that were included in the cue card. In this session candidates are also provided one minute for the preparation of the topic and even the pencil and paper to prepare the notes.

    In this session examiner may ask the candidate to stop in between and ask some questions on the same topic

    PART 3

    It is the last session of the speaking module which is also known as two way discussions. This part lasts for 4-5 minutes in which candidate is invited to take part in two way discussion for having more abstract ideas related to part 2 means


    Basic purpose of this module is to evaluate whether the candidate is comfortable and proficient in speaking English or not? So in this module a variety of skills are accessed including the ability of the candidate to communicate opinions and information on day to day topics and common experiences of life by answering the questions confidently.

    In the second part, generally the ability of the candidate is evaluated to speak at length on a given topic with the use of appropriate ideas, language and their organization. In this module candidates’ ability is also checked to express and justify opinions and to analyze and discuss the issues.

    On the basis of candidates’ confidence, ways of expressing ideas and presenting himself examiner give scores to him. This module is conducted as the formal interview of the candidate to check his proficiency in speaking English so the candidate is supposed to behave formally with appropriate body language and speaking.


    For developing the speaking skills in candidate we work on following key points

    • Building fluency to speak English
    • Skills to present ideas confidently
    • Smooth flow of ideas
    • Confidence building and presenting himself
    • Narration and comparing
    • Summarizing and expressing ideas
    • Comprehending correctly to questions asked by examiner

    IELTS Life Skills Test Coaching in Ludhiana, Punjab

    The IELTS Life Skills test is a substitute of the IELTS Life Skills or KET exam; it only tests two skills, Listening and Speaking. It is intended mainly for people wanting to immigrate to another country. The new test was announced at the same time as changes to immigration requirements. It is linked specifically to UK immigration, but in the future other countries might add the IELTS Life Skills test to their visa requirements.

    IELTS life skills exam has two levels

    IELTS Life Skills Test

    This is exciting news: a new IELTS test called IELTS Life Skills is going to be available from April 2015.

    Non-native speakers of English worldwide want to provide documented evidence of their knowledge of English, for study or employment.

    Students aspiring to enter or exit institutions of higher education, where proof of knowledge of English is a requirement.

    People need English for their everyday or working life.

    Learners who require externally recognized certification of their levels in English.

    Those who are attending courses over a period and require a series of graded examinations which provide steps up in the ladder of proficiency.

    The IELTS Life Skills test is a substitute of the ESOL or KET exam; it only tests two skills, Listening and Speaking. It is intended mainly for people wanting to immigrate to the UK. The new test was announced at the same time as changes to UK immigration requirements. It is linked specifically to UK immigration, but in the future other countries might add the IELTS Life Skills test to their visa requirements.

    Test format There are 3 people in the examination room: two test takers and one examiner. The examiner is assessing each of the two test takers. At times the two test takers are required to interact with each other. There is no break between the Speaking and Listening assessments.

    Note: The performance of one test taker is not supposed to affect the score of the other test taker. Total time taken for this exam is 16-18 minutes for level A1. In level 2 total time taken is 22 minutes

    IELTS life skills exam has two levels

    In Part 2 listening and speaking skills are tested at the same time

    Level A1 for the family of settled person

    Level B1 for indefinite leave to remain (to settle) or citizenship

    Assessment process

    There are four criteria each test taker is being assessed for:

    • Obtaining information
    • Conveying information
    • Speaking to communicate
    • Engaging in discussion

    At times during the test candidates are allowed to take notes to prepare their answers. The examiner will not mark those notes and only the candidates’ speaking and listening skills are marked during the test.

    Results for the same will come within 6 days. Results come as pass or fail. If you clear the exam, the result is valid for 2 years.